The next Ghost Rider, a young man named Daniel 'Danny' Ketch (Johnny Blaze's long lost little brother), debuted in Ghost Rider vol. Johnny Blaze was the son of Naomi Blaze and Barton Blaze, Naomi being the previous Ghost Rider. Blaze returned as Ghost Rider in a 2001 six-issue miniseries written by Devin Grayson a second miniseries written by Garth Ennis in 2005, and an ongoing monthly series that began publication in July 2006. The series ran through issue #81 (June 1983).
Several different creative teams mixed-and-matched until penciller Don Perlin began a considerably long stint with issue #26, eventually joined by writer Michael Fleisher through issue #58. He received his own series in 1973, with penciller Jim Mooney handling most of the first nine issues. Following the western comics character who originally used the name, the first superhero Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, debuted in Marvel Spotlight #5 (August 1972), created by Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas, writer Gary Friedrich and artist Mike Ploog.